The Tarot Crystal Divination Method

The next method requires a larger set of crystals, as you’ll be matching each crystal to one of the tarot cards of the major arcana.  It’s completely up to you how you choose to draw the crystals – you can do a three-crystal divination for past, present and future, or you can use a method […]

Yes/No Crystal Divination Method

A very simple way to use crystals to guide you is to use six crystals – three white crystals, and three black crystals. For the white crystals, you can use either of these: White Howlite Moonstone Milky quartz For the black crystals, you can use either of these: Black tourmaline Obsidian Onyx You can use […]

Stone Donuts Meaning and Uses

The stone donut, sometimes deemed the “seer stone” is traditionally used by shamans to enhance visions and dreams. Stone donuts also allow for easier astral projecting and astral traveling. In some ancient cultures, stone donuts are the mark of a priestess. As I am both a Practicing Shamanka and a Priestess, you will notice that […]

Heart Shaped Crystals Meaning and Uses

Crystals cut into the traditional smooth heart shaped figure often represent love and our Heart Chakra. Medium to large hearts can be placed around an area or room within crystal grids to add a layer of peace to the atmosphere. Crystal hearts can help attract new love or a new relationship. These stones also help […]

Crystal Angel Meaning and Uses

Crystal Angels can come in many shapes and sizes. They tend to be small and not very realistic looking. Angels tend to bring out the best in us, anchoring our angelic energies if you will. These stones also aid you in connection with your guardian angels or spirit guides. Stone angels can be spread around […]

Crystal Wand Meaning and Uses

Crystal wands are often used in healing practices and rituals, such as during a reiki session. Shamans use Crystal wands to protect their space so that they will have safe astral travels and safe bodily returns. A crystal wand is a long and tall crystal that comes to a point at the top. Most effective […]

Crystal Sphere Meaning and Use

Crystal Lessons in Stars of the Morning Coven 2/6/19 Today we will be talking about something a bit different. We are going to be talking about different shapes of Crystals and what they are used for. Some of the most popular Crystal Shapes include, but are not limited to Pyramids, Hearts, Donuts, Spheres, Angels, and […]

Jasper: Types and Uses

Ocean Jasper is the ideal stone to use when you are feeling a little down, and need a little uplifting. It brings feelings of joy, happiness and lifted spirits, helping you to release negative feelings and energy so that your confidence can shine through. The ocean jasper healing properties can benefit EVERYONE, and it is honestly a stone […]


Stars of the Morning Stone of the Day 2/5/19 Hello everyone! Today’s stone of choice is Jasper. Jasper has many uses. It is well-known for its strong healing and grounding workings. Almost every ancient civilization used it in some way. Worn by shamans and other religious leaders, it is a sacred protection stone. Many of […]