Yes/No Crystal Divination Method

A very simple way to use crystals to guide you is to use six crystals – three white crystals, and three black crystals.

For the white crystals, you can use either of these: White Howlite Moonstone Milky quartz For the black crystals, you can use either of these: Black tourmaline Obsidian Onyx

You can use either raw or tumbled stones, or even crystal beads. The only requirement is that they are of a similar shape and size. The reason for this is that when you have your hand in your bag and you’re looking to draw a stone for an answer to a question you don’t want to be using your hands to search out familiar stones, even subconsciously. You want to use the energy of the stones to draw you. If you know that all the white stones are larger than the black, for example, you might be tempted to draw one of them just because of what you’d like the answer to your question to be. By having stones that are all similar this is far less likely to happen and you’ll be able to focus more on how the energy of the stone feels. Once you have your stones, cleanse and charge them, then give them an intention. Take the white ones and give them the intention of giving off the energy of “yes”, and give the black ones the intention of giving off the energy of “no”. If you feel for any reason that it should be the other way around, do that! It doesn’t really matter which way you do it, as long as you charge them properly with intention. Then put the crystals in a small bag. Give them a gentle shake while thinking of a question which can be answered with “yes” or “no”. Put your hand in, close your eyes, and take a moment to really feel around and let your hand be guided by the stones. Draw our three stones, one at a time with your eyes still closed. Here’s how to interpret the results: All white = Yes All black = No Two white, one black = Most likely Yes Two black, one white = Most likely No There’s your answer! It’s a really quick and simple divination method, and depending on how small the stones are, you can even carry them with you in your pocket for divination on the go. 

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